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// Who We Are
The Corporate Community for Operational Blockchain Projects
INFRACHAIN is a privately driven non-profit organization with public sector support created by the emerging blockchain-industry.
We are a cross-industry effort aiming to push the adoption curve of blockchain by sharing expertise, participating in blockchain projects, disseminating information on operational blockchain use cases and creating an international ecosystem.
We host independent and neutral blockchain nodes.
We provide a community-driven governance model for permissioned blockchain infrastructure.
We are a blockchain community and focus on issues allowing blockchain applications to become operational in the current regulatory environment.
// We Are More than A Blockchain Community
We Are An Ecosystem
// what they say
Community Voices

Gary Cywie & Karl Pardaens, Partners
"Infrachain is pushing the adoption of blockchain through its collaborative approach and various initiatives to connect public and private actors active in the blockchain industry. Infrachain plays an important role in raising awareness around blockchain in Luxembourg and internationally."

Fabrice Croiseaux, CEO
"Infrachain allows its members to be part of a vibrant local ecosystem. We build a local community dedicated to promote the blockchain adoption in Luxembourg."

Jed Grant, Founder
"Infrachain is a fantastic initiative of private and public partners that are pushing for the adoption and promotion of blockchain in Luxembourg and internationally. We are bringing together some of the most enthusiastic and intelligent minds in the space with great initiatives."

Thierry Grandjean, Research Engineer Blockchain
"LIST considers that being a member of Infrachain is an excellent opportunity to develop our research and development activities in close relationship with the active actors from Luxembourg and abroad, including private and public organizations."

Cristiano Morganti, CEO
"The ability of Infrachain to have linked together early adopters of the technology in order to create a consortium of professionals and to be able to transfer it into politics and into decision makers level is the main strength of this association and one of the unique experiences that are present in Europe."

Thomas Campione, CFA, Director Blockchain & Crypto Leader
"We are really committed to support the local ecosystem be it through the organization of sizeable events, the creation of partnerships or an active involvement in the daily life of some of the players of the ecosystem, among which Infrachain is a key enabler."

Laurent Kratz, CEO
"Scorechain joined Infrachain because it is important to do this evangelization of the technology to lobby all the institutions in Luxembourg and abroad, that's why we have been involved since the beginning as a founder of Infrachain."

Christophe Medinger, Assistant Team Manager Digitalisation
"We believe that in today's world, you cannot advance as fast on your own, you need to be part of a like-minded community such as Infrachain. Since blockchain is a network technology, you need partners to build successful projects and Infrachain is a facilitator to connect to these partners."

Frank Roessig, Fintech Lead
"Telindus is driving innovation for its clients in Luxembourg and beyond, based on blockchain. Based on the collaboration with Infrachain, we manage to accelerate the take-up and the go to market of new solutions that are blockchain based."